what is SURVEY?
The Aurora network aims to equip students with the skills and mindsets to address key societal challenges through entrepreneurship and innovation.
The seizmic SURVEY is a practical evaluation tool and it was developed to assess how study programs or courses contribute to this aim. Translated to multiple languages, it introduces students to a range of skills they can acquire throughout the course and collects data on acquiring these skills.
seizmic SURVEY introduces seizmic COMPETENCIES:
a set of 12 competencies that define different skillsets students can acquire attending social entrepreneurship and innovation related courses and workshops.
The seizmic activities are driven by the ambition to equip students with the skills and mindset to address societal challenges with social entrepreneurship & innovation.
Our seizmic COMPETENCIES specify those competencies and seizmic SURVEY provides a tool to measure the perceived competency development.
How does it work?
The seizmic TEAM sends the educator an online link or a QR code to spread the survey among the students.
We will collect the e-mail address in the first questionnaire, so we can contact the students for the second questionnaire automatically.
The educator will receive:
Perceived competencies of incoming students
Perceived competency development during the course
Benchmarking with other courses or student groups.
The seizmic SURVEY is a 10 minute online survey taken before and after the course to assess the perceived competency development.
The tool allows university administrators to measure the change in seizmic COMPETENCIES and providing useful information to study boards.
The online survey is available in English, Czech, German, Spanish and Catalan.
The questionnaire consists of some general questions, items to assess the perceived competency level and features of the courses, e.g., experiential learning. The survey is run at CBS, so we can ensure GDPR compliance.
Considering students as target group, seizmic SURVEY can also be used to signal them which competences are to be taught, and educators or education developers can compare how different courses complement each other.
"We invite you to join the seizmic community - a growing network of like-minded educators educating social entrepreneurship and innovation. Learn more about the perceived competency development in your courses with the seizmic SURVEY.
Anne-Karen Hueske