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what is a seizmic COURSE?

seizmic COURSE

is a course offered by an established university that focuses on current societal challenges, and presents tools and newest research on how to work with these challenges through social entrepreneurship.

There is a multitude of seizmic COURSES currently offered by engaged professors at universities across Europe - from Iceland to Denmark, Italy, Netherlands or Czech Republic.

University of Iceland

Spark Social, a course by University of Iceland

bringing together topics such as contemporary challenges and solutions, entrepreneurship and networking

Image by Nicolas J Leclercq

Palacký University

Read more about the course offered online from Czech Republic - Sustainable Social Enterprises

Image by Leonhard Niederwimmer

Federico II University of Naples.

Hackathon a week long intensive course shining light on complex societal challenges and technological advancements

Image by Vincenzo De Simone

Copenhagen Business School

CBS Summer University offers two different intensive summer courses focusing on social business model development

Best practices

Magnús Þór Torfason

Associate Professor 

Iceland, a country known for its volcanic eruptions and hot springs, developed a course conveniently called the Spark Social.

This course offered by the University of Iceland focuses not just on social entrepreneurship model building, but on comprehensive expanding student's knowledge.


Online and on-site blended course takes place in spring semester, and connects innovation and the global goals, plus shines light on very important aspects for young entrepreneurs, such as networking.

Students ​get to meet and network with a group of game changers

in Icelandic society and work together in a multicultural setting.

Last part of the course is a week long on-site learning experience at the University of Iceland.. Students finish the course face-to face and collaborate on development of their team projects.

The course uses

Students are nominated for

Part of

Spark Social

Image by Francesco Baerhard

Open to students at any university level, Hackathon is a week intensive course offered by Federico II University of Naples.

Participants of Hackathon are introduced to the complex map of factors influencing current food chain, and co-create conceptual solutions to rethink the food economy of a specific area of Naples.

Shining light on technological advancements in food production, while discussing the climate change, species extinction or other environmental factors that are influencing the food chain more each day.

Focusing on producers as well as consumers, the participants will develop a design proposal able to guarantee ecological resilience and economic sustainability.

Taught by Ramon Rispoli and Adam Arvidsson

The course uses

Students are nominated for

Part of

Rethinking Food Systems In The Anthropocene

Ramon Rispoli_pic.JPG

Ramon Rispoli

Associate Professor 


Ondřej Kročil

Assistant Professor 

Sustainable Social Entreprises

Palacky University Olomouc in Czech Republic developed a bachelor course that aims to prepare new social entrepreneurs for the current global environment with all its opportunities as well as challenges. 

This online course is offered annually and offered a range of sustainable entrepreneurship topics such as:

Sustainability in Business, Cultural differences and specifics influencing sustainable business, Social enterprises leaders and stakeholders or SE and its conceptualization in European countries and Crisis management.

Course taught by Ondřej Kročil and Jaroslava Kubátová

The course uses

Students are nominated for

Part of

Image by Razvan Mirel

CBS Summer University

seizmic COURSES at CBS Summer University program offer two different 3-weeks intensive in person courses.

An Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship is a course offered to the Bachelor level and introduces students to organizational social entrepreneurship, a process by which opportunities to create public goods are identified and created. Using critical approach to the understanding and usage of the context in practice.

Social Entrepreneurship and Business Model Innovation is offered to Master students. Building on organizational theories discussed in the class, and applying them to carry out a critical analysis of a specific social entrepreneurship business plan both in terms of the result (the business plan) as well as the process (group work experience).

Course is coordinated by Kai Hockerts and Anne-Karen Hüske

The course uses

Students are nominated for

Part of


Kai Hockerts

Associate Professor 


interested in other               COURSES?

Image by Quique Olivar

Social Entrepreneurship course at the

IE Business School

Madrid, Spain

Image by Nick Karvounis

Tourism, Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability course at

CBS, Denmark

Image by Michael Fousert


 course offered at

ESCP Business School Paris, France

Amsterdam Light Festival

Social Entrepreneurship course at the

Vrije Universiteit,

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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